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Writer's pictureAmanda Stoneman Life Coach

All The Earth It's Time to Sing!!!

Good Morning!! You are Beautiful!!!

As I was reading my Bible the other day this verse really stuck out to me.

I Chronicles 16:23 NKVJ

"Sing to the Lord, all the earth; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day."

It intrigues me how we (even I did) read this and automatically read it as all people

, when it clearly says, "All The Earth," meaning everything! Science has proven that everything has a frequency and/or vibration, God made everything that way. When someone is deaf but a great musician they use frequencies and vibrations to help them play and learn new music. Even though we may not hear all the singing around us when we walk in the Lord's faith and confidence we effect all things around us in a good and positive way. Jesus brought light and love to the world. He came to save The World and Everything in it from its distorted form.

John 12: 47 NKJV

"And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world."

Dear Lord help us to sing and praise You always and change the world around us for Your honor and glory in Jesus name. Amen

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