Good Day family!
So as I was getting ready for my day this thought hit me, does God answer our prayers out of our impatience? In reply to this question I started thinking about Scripture where people were impatient but still had favor. You have Abraham who tried to fulfill God's promise of a child. The Israelites when Moses was on the Mountain grew impatient waiting but God still fulfilled His promise. Martha when preparing to serve Jesus. Also in Acts 27 and 28 we see the impatience of the people in charge of getting Paul to Rome. After listening to what Paul said they all received favor.
What is my point in all this? Well looking back at blessings I have receive and seeing God's favor I realize even though it might not have been God's plan He still blessed me and no matter what God always has good for me, not just good but His best!
We live in a world that tends to want everything right now and God still blesses us. Just remember to take the time to reflect and time with God. Listen to what He is saying if He is saying wait then wait, if He says go I got you, then run with Him. He will bless you just as He has blessed all those before us who got impatient and tried it their own way. Abraham was the father of many nations both the Jews(Isaac's lineage) and the Gentiles(Ishmael's lineage). The Israelite's children did inherit the Promised Land. Martha learned a lesson and seen her brother, Lazarus raised from the dead. Paul not only was an example of God's love and patience to the Romans but also the people on the island of Malta.