Good morning!
So Sunday our Pastor did an amazing teaching on the parable of the Sower and Seeds in Matthew 13: 1-23, (can watch here ). As I was working in our garden yesterday I had a better revelation about what I am allowing to grow in my mind and heart. As I was pulling the weeds I realizes how they like to grow close to and in the shadows of the plants, they are camouflaged. Our we allowing our mind(soul) to hold on to our carnal sin(distorted form) nature or our Spirit which Kingdom. We are created in God's image Genesis 1:23 and we are as He is 1 John 4:17. Those things holding us back if not plucked away will grow and choke out the fruit we bare.
Dear Lord thank You for Your revelation in our everyday living. I pray as we grow and dig into Your Word and spend time with You, that Your purpose and revelation for our lives becomes abundantly clearer in Jesus Name. Amen