Good Day Family!
I am so excited!! Yesterday our Pastor and dear friend Pastor Tommy release his course on "Pharisctomy!" (link posted below) . Pastor Tommy and his wife Pastor Shanda co-lead Legacy Church in New Philadelphia, Ohio.
I have been under Pastor Tommy's teaching since May of 2020 and also a student of Legacy Academy of Kingdom Living(LAKL) since January 2021. At the beginning of my second year in LAKL we covered covenant theology. I learned that not every covenant is for me. I am not under the Old Covenant Law, which only brings death 2 Corinthians 3:7-11. I have an unveiled face and I am being transformed by the Spirit of the Lord from glory to glory 2 Corinthians 3: 12-18. I am a New Covenant Son who is meant to reign over God beautiful creation, not humans, also to bring heaven to Earth.
The Law has always demand from us, its a list of rules and if you brake one you were guilty of break all and the consequence was death. Grace gives freely, you don't have to work for it, just believe Jesus has covered you. God's eyes are on you, Job 34: 21, but He only sees how He created you from before the foundation of the world, Ephesians 1: 4. I no longer carry the burden of the old covenant because I realized it was never mine to carry, but I am still able to learn and get revelation from it. Also the whole Bible is written for me to learn from but not all of it was written to me.
This is just a few of the things I have learned over the last 2 1/2 years. I know who I am in Christ, instead of trying to be who I thought God wanted me to be. I am able to step out confidently and creatively which is how God created me. I pray this course brings you revelation, peace, and confidence as you work through it in Jesus name. Amen.
To purchase this course click the link below: